ZZ89 |
Ripit |
Reaching The Lines |
Casette/Digital |
2025 |
Nicolas "RIPIT" Esterle, born 1977, is developing a noisy, rhythmical and psychedelic sound since 1998. His work is based on the extensive use of modular synths, drum machines and no-input mixers to create a dancy, acid music, plunging the listeners in a magma of electrical textures, mixing dance-floor references and magnetic fog. Ranging from crawling Dub to analog grindcore, from Hardcore Teknoise to mid-tempo dusty electro. He released loads of records on numerous labels and toured several times in North America and Europe. |
ZZ88 |
Tzii |
A Bright Sun... |
Casette/Digital |
2025 |
Tzii, music composer and filmmaker, spreads his frequencies all over the world through touring from Eastern and Western Europe to Australia, passing by USA, Canada, Japan, Indonesia, Africa, Mexico and South-East Asia, where he played hundreds of shows..… |
ZZ87 |
LP/Digital |
2025 |
With his new album DEAD AGAIN, PRIX LIBRE hits teenage but necessary melodies, destroyed ballroom songs. It's like the remix of Twin Peaks and Degrassi High. Slow saturated, foggy dub or pop disfigured, the bloody melodies of the 7 tracks come to pick or rip off your hearts at full blast. Distortion, blurring of tracks, the hybrid voice comes titillate memories and senses. Invading the space, sounds from elsewhere come to disturb the crystalline of the modulated high-pitched voice/timbre. |
ZZ86 |
Berceuses des deux mondes |
Double LP/Digital |
2025 |
Alors que nos oreilles s'égarent dans la cacophonie d'un monde saturé, noyées par la dissonance et l'excès des bruits qui nous assiègent, Rien Virgule nous invite à explorer des interstices sonores, à ralentir et à résister à la frénésie. Avec 'Berceuses des deux mondes', les incendies assourdissants des vacarmes s'éteignent, le volume du monde suramplifié s'apaise, et la musique se fait refuge. |
ZZ85 |
Voltae (Chthulucene) |
LP/Digital |
2024 |
Première oeuvre enregistrée en studio, « Voltæ (Chthulucene) » est le résultat virtuose d'une session d’enregistrement, orchestrée par Camille Jamain - ingénieur & acousticien. Émergent un album électronique puissant, 8 morceaux au narratif d’album-film d’anticipation, qui nous transportent dans les méandres d’une vision néolovecraftienne, dans un monde d'après après AKIRA, où la vie humaine et non humaine (re)deviendrait possible, où toutes formes de (sur)vivants co-habiteraient à nouveau... Nahal Recordings & Zamzamrec zamzamrec.org/FOUDRE |
ZZ84 |
Fusiller |
Les Cités Mémoires |
Cassette/Digital |
2024 |
Sound-traveller of the impossible, Fusiller Aka Jo Tanzprocesz returns Melancholic nerd blast from the future ruins of another world. 10 tracks (untitled as always) of throbbing arpeggios, broken by modulations of excess. |
ZZ83 |
Dieu Lune |
Dieu Lune Et La Grenouille |
Cd/Digital |
2024 |
Dieu lune et la grenouille, c'est le chant poétiquement reverbé d'Héloïse et ses machines sauvages domptées, qui se mêle aux percussions d'Olmo et ses instruments naturels amplifiés. Le conte onirique émerge progressivement. Il se vit en BPM de la forêt. Dream pop XP cosmique enchanteresse, les nappes sonores fantasmagoriques se superposent, frôlant l'ambient, la noise, mutant presque parfois en trad technoïde extraterrestre. |
ZZ82 |
c_c |
Six Crossings |
LP/Digital |
2024 |
Six Crossings is c_c’s ultimate recording with the electronic setup he has honed for nearly 10 years of live performances: several drum machines and a sampler interconnected to a mixing system and feedback effects, analog and digital hybrid. |
ZZ81 |
Apocrypha |
Cassette |
2024 |
"SOLO IMPROV FOR FENDER RHODES" Matt Loveridge aka MXLX English Bristolian multi-instrumentalist prodigy, His new album ''APOCRYPHA'' takes us through 12 tracks of deep doom dark electronic music. From very emotional soft pieces organ harmonics to heavy harsh experimental guitar chords. "APOCRYPHA" is a thanks to the anti-god, a link to the secret of mind magic. |
ZZ77 |
Zohastre |
Abracadabra |
Vinyl / Cd/Digital |
2023 |
ZOHASTRE is a french-italian duo, whirlwind combination of spacio-tribal drums and bewitched electronics, impro-ritualistic music for trance-like FX and reverse glicht dance moves. It sounds like you’ve crept up on a long-lost village in the valleys, peering over from behind the trees at night, staring at a huge flaming fire with the villagers in circles, everyone possessed by the incantatory power of the moon and fire (( /\/ * |
ZZ80 |
Frédéric D. Oberland |
Solstices |
cassette / Cd / Digital |
2023 |
Opaque oceans, skies disguised by clouds, continents that seek each other : it is on the surface of this anatomy of duration that Frédéric D. Oberland, since youth, groups and dreams, travels, fiercely self-taught, through multi-instrumentalist practices, towards the pulverulent litany of the world. "In the solar winds that will scatter the dust of your previous incarnations, you will recognize the clamour." |
ZZ79 |
Oracle Column |
Lily |
cassette / Digital |
2022 |
Oracle Column is a new born multiform ensemble, conceived by Devid Ciampalini and Andrea Rusconi, which contemplates psychedelia, ethnic music, concrete music inspired by the inexhaustible lymph of free jazz. |
ZZ78 |
D'Incise |
Kaûma |
cassette |
2022 |
(« chaleur → calme ») (« heat → calm ») MS20 synth recordings, analog filters, tubes overdrive, spring reverb, laptop & softwares. Enregistrements de MS20, filtres analogiques, distorsion de lampes, reverb à ressorts, ordinateur & programmes Made in Geneva & Bruxelles, 2021-2022 insub.rec.cd20 + zamzam rec78 |
ZZ76 |
Omertà |
Collection Particulière |
Vinyl / Digital |
2022 |
Omertà / Collection Particulière Musique : Pierre Bujeau : guitare, basse (A4) Textes : Artwork : Enregistrement (2019): Manu Laffeach Production : Standard In-Fi, Florence Giroud, Zamzamrec |
♥ ▲
ZZ75 |
À Travers |
Boustrophédon |
cassette |
2022 |
DREAMLIKE AND ABRASIVE DELIRIUM BOUSTROPHÉDON refers to type of archaic writing used by Oriental and Greek people, imitating the movement of grooves drawn in a field, and in which a line is read from left to right, the next from right to left, and so on alternately. Mastering: Hubert Monroy Print: Gaëlle Lailler Artwork: Grö |
ZZ74 |
Orryx |
Ifera |
Cassette / Digital |
2022 |
Orryx's 'Ifera' EP merges everyday experience with the esoteric. Combining her ethereal vocal loops with a selection of hardware synths, samplers and effects pedals, Ifera’s four original tracks explore themes of human psychology, otherworldly experiences, loss and transcendence, coupled with a remix from dark wave techno duo Fever 103°. Garnering airtime on stations such as Noods, Milan’s Radio Raheem & Argentina's Radio CASo ahead of release, 'Ifera' is the culmination of a year relentlessly performing and honing her material, in which she landed show stealing slots on bills alongside Gazelle Twin, Actress and Manchester |
ZZ73 |
LP 12" AUTUMN'20 |
Vinyl |
2022 |
On this record T : A Composed and played during summer 2020~* Recorded at NGHE (Brussels) between September '20 and March '21. Artwork by Fanny D. Touchemoulin published by : Assembled at } }}:{{ { } }}:TODESANGST AUSS |
ZZ72 |
Tout Bleu |
Otium / Creatures |
cassette |
2021 |
Tout Bleu is a singular vision made up of a dizzying array of things, from electric folk to Krautrock, glitch techno to dubbed-out postpunk, chamber rock to synthpop, where the electronic crosses paths with the acoustic. Initially conceived as the solo project of the brilliant Genevan multi-instrumentalist Simone Aubert (Hyperculte, Massicot) in 2018, The act is now an exploration ground for the musicians gathered on Otium : Naomi Mabanda on the cello and Luciano Turella on the alto, encounter the sampling machines of POL. On Creatures they were joined by Agathe Max on violin and Nicholas Stuecklin on added percussions. Tout Bleu elaborates its pieces like Circe the magician distils and mixes drugs and poisons. A piercing reflection of our decayed time, Otium appears as a pain and its remedy at the same time.
ZZ71 |
Mark Wagner |
Son Rise /\ Son Of The Sun |
Vinyl / Digital |
2022 |
With the piano featuring as the central instrument around which the album is composed, warped beats, soundscapes and electronic synthesis provide the drive and the futuristic counterpart to the timeless melodies. Agathe Max, the proficient experimental violinist was also summoned for additional orchestral flourishes as well as Hanna White with vocal harmonies on Rubedo. Mus c :All songs wr tten,produced and performed by Mark Wagner.
ZZ70 |
Micha Seidenberg |
replicare |
cassette |
2021 |
Micha Seidenberg (b. 1984, Zurich) was raised in a family with 11 children. In his childhood and youth, he was strongly influenced by self-taught music-making and orally transmitted Klezmer with influences from Eastern European folk music. He composes for everything that sounds and can convey and be experienced sensually through sound. In this sense, in addition to instrumental and vocal sound bodies, he has also intensively explored the possibilities of electro-acoustics.
ZZ69 |
Rien Virgule |
La consolation des violettes |
Double Vinyl |
2021 |
Suite à la disparition de Jean-Marc, l’un de ses membres, personne n’aurait su dire si le groupe allait continuer. Les principaux intéressés, Anne, Mathias et Manuel, non plus. Quelle réponse donner à une telle épreuve ? Sur les contours du deuil, la vie s’écoule, et en rejouant de la musique à trois, une évidence s’imposait : c’était la même sève incandescente qui pulsait entre eux, celle qui irriguait les sillons de leurs deux précédents disques, celle qui fascinait le public à chacun de leur concert et en faisait des événements. Et avec elle vint l’envie de se remettre à l’ouvrage et de se lancer dans un troisième disque. Alors que l’album a pour titre un vers tiré d’un haïku ('la consolation des violettes'), cette forme poétique à la brièveté radicale, il choisit à l’inverse de s’étirer, de s'affranchir des contraintes du simple vinyle et de pleinement déployer ses ailes pour atteindre une envergure inédite. Quand le haïku peut de déclamer en un souffle, la musique de Rien Virgule en déchaine une multitude, façonnée par les parcours de ses membres qui, à la manière de White Noise, ont longtemps louvoyé dans des pratiques expérimentales avant de livrer leur vision très personnelle de la pop. On prend toute la mesure de l´ambition du groupe qui sur cette durée peut enfin mêler, grâce à une véritable science de la narration, des morceaux écrits où on jugerait apercevoir les volutes mélodiques d’un Robert Wyatt, à d’autres issus de séances totalement improvisées. Ces dernières étant découpées et recollées, à la manière de Teo Marcero pour les albums de Miles Davis, jusqu’à composer des fictions de laboratoire avec la bande magnétique. Jean-Marc avec son instrumentarium bricolé aura légué sa part de chaos aux autres membres du groupe, qui continuent de faire résonner avec délicatesse un fatras de métal et de verre brisé comme autant d'étincelles de vie. 'La consolation des violettes' est un univers tissé de travellings au bord du gouffre, de poèmes tracés au fer à souder et habité d’un élan de liberté viscérale, vibrante et intimement bouleversante.
Musique : Mathias Pontevia, Anne Careil & Manuel Duval Enregistré & mixé par Manuel Duval à la Grange Cavale (Chenaud) en 2020 Pochette : Anne Careil La République des Granges, Permafrost, Zamzamrec, Murailles Music LP out September 10th 2021
ZZ68 |
Tresque |
Alarmante |
Cassette |
2021 |
"Alarmante" is a new set by TRESQUE (a.k.a d'incise), an oscillating and electrified ride, carried by a dub love and a few eardrums ticklings, conveying the dance to whoever Doing so Tresque takes distance with its original formula to turn more abstract by accumulating layers of raw pulses all from circuits in feedback (mixer, spring reverb, filter, tube preamp).
ZZ67 |
Bliss Waves, From The Heart Realm |
Vinyl / Digital |
2021 |
AHRKH is the solo project of A P Macarte, multi-instrumentalist member of Salford's critically acclaimed noise experimentalists GNOD (Rocket Recordings). Using Modular synthesiser, field recordings and voice, often performing live with video, light manipulation and visual collaborators, AHRKH explores the relationship between sound and consciousness , and it's ability to invoke altered states that touch the intangible within us, offering an opportunity to transcend our present reality. Primarily a live performance project performing in the UK, Europe and USA, AHRKH also produces a monthly radio broadcast GOLDEN RATIO FREQUENCIES from highly popular NTS Radio, and runs a "Micro-Label" under the same name serving as a holistic sound facilitator, providing a platform for music, art and aural ephemera of a “Vibratory” quality. AHRKH has performed music and immersive sound events in UK Europe and USA including Supernormal Festival, Temple Sessions London, Manchester International Festival (MIF) and 24 Hour Drone New York.
ZZ66 |
Surprise Barbue |
Kabukicho |
Vinyl / Digital |
2021 |
You get a real sense this duo are jigsawing a reactive whole, playfully musing a chemistry of betweens. The floaty drift of Chanson pour un Bernard L'Hermite full of accented mirrors and complimentary shapes that snugly cushion or nourish in deflective fancy. The way the title track - Kabukichō (named after Tokyo’s The Blade Runner-esque cover art really fits well with the music as that regal progressive of Le Triomphe de Neptune seances the opulent orb of some lo-fi Mozart - its mercurial arpeggios seemingly plucked from Jean-Jacques Beineix’s diva. That icy synthetic of L'Arche de Noé’s tight-rope too, slowly seduced in chorusing melody then curiously accelerated in secondary sweeps that hungrily wash over like a Vangelis nose bleed. Its inquiring shapes sculpted in glittery euphorics, suddenly grabbing the A tempered afterglow picked up by the twilighted Elizabethan dance of Robin Le Délicat - then silence - skillfully re-animated in this low slung industrial rasp. A colourful layering that psychedelically falls through your mind in coptering contour and dead piano pins as that cowbell continuum is constantly harassed in roasty ‘Guru-Guru’ grandeur. The kind of album exit that makes anticipation for more, all that more pressing. Michael Rodham-heaps - FreQ
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ZZ65 |
Sathönay |
Hello Sunny |
Cassette |
2021 |
Hypnotic journey through strangefolk desert yellow sky alignment. Pointillé cabossé abîmé Transformé annulé Supprimé A lot of the material are adaptations of the band version of Sathönay. Some themes are also vaguely inspired by traditional melodies of Thrace, Greece, You can also hear some ready-made cassette loops produced by Zercheun records. Music by Nico Poisson https://sathonay.wordpress.com
ZZ *** |
Lullabies |
Compilation |
Double Cassette |
2020 |
★ ♥ ☾ ☁
ZZ64 |
Pascal Dickens |
For Joy |
Cassette |
2020 |
Pascal Dickens - For Joy Pascal Dickens is taking us over to the deep landscape of the outside and inside world. Surrounded by trees, he's whispering stories, opening our hearts and souls. Time-traveller minstrel new-folk storyteller, PD sings ,,For Joy`` ())(~*
⑇ ⑈
ZZ63 |
Henry Collins |
Prepared Rain |
Cassette |
2020 |
'The whole world is a drum kit’ The pleasures I have found in his remarkably varied practice over the years is to feel lost in his playfulness and unpredictability, his sublime sense of all that is seemingly silly and absurd, while retaining a remarkable authenticity and distinct originality. For this recording he has assorted a number of objects in the outdoors which he describes as a ‘drum kit for the sky’. Objects and microphones are moved at the Artist’s whims, while a heavy downpour of rain and ‘intermittent guttering drips’ create a variety of textured rhythms and cacophony. soundcloud.com/henryliamcollins
ZZ62 |
United Color Of Black Metal |
Cassette |
2020 |
United Color of Black Metal is the duo of Jean-Baptiste Geoffroy (Pneu, La Colonie de Vacances, Tachycardie, Futuroscope) and Guillaume Brot. Oscillators, transducers, microphones, outdated objects, two people, fermented fruit juice without additives, percussions, humour in the colours of the project and a very special tool, chance. Nothing is foreseen, not even the music. Nothing happens by chance, except maybe all things that happen to everyone, all the time. United Color of Black Metal is not a coincidence, UCMB embodies coincidence in its music. zamzamrec.org/UCBM.html |
... .
ZZ61 |
Gnod / Zohastre |
Split |
7''Vinyl |
2020 |
☾ ⚡
ZZ60 |
fume flamme ce feu me dit-il |
Cassette |
2020 |
ZZ59 |
Alahuta |
Corps-pi |
Cassette |
2019 |
"Chapelles oubliées, personnes disparues, presqu’île enclavée"
ZZ58 |
Tresque |
Tendresse, encore |
Cassette |
2019 |
With "Tendresse, encore", Tresque brings back his music, his "idea-of-techno", to a distant evocation of the dancelfoor. Recording the last breathes of dying loudspeakers, he builds complex micro-grooves on an ever present bass pulse, in a single long ghostly - and tender - piece.
ZZ57 |
Rien Virgule |
Le Couronnement Des Silex |
Vinyl |
2019 |
For factual purposes, you might wish to know that Rien Virgule come from southwestern France, but by all accounts it's as useful to think of them as nomadic. The four-piece – Jean-Marc Reilla, Manuel Duval, Anne Careil and Mathias Pontévia – released their debut album Trente Jour À Grande Échelle in 2015 and toured prodigiously, planting their giallo-goth synthprog flag in the haphazard French out-rock underground. Le Couronnement des Silex takes the band no closer to any sort of scene based context but it's an alluring deep dive in it's own right the five songs are intense, gloweringcreations that feel like the aural equivalent of a death stare. Pontévia's drums, loose yet insistent like a depunked version of Budgie in The Banshees, butt heads with Careil's ice-solemn vocal and a glut of synths. It's hard to ascertain who's playing what part, with Reilla, Duval and Careil sharing credit for the latter, but they vary from church organ creeepers (“Zanne Neil Velluto”, “LaVisite Aux Animaux Plâtrés”) to juts and judders of circuit-bent flotsam (“Tactail”, found at a most enjoyable nexus of Goblin, Portishead and Throbbing !gristle) to haughty spacerock sweeps (“Mariage Des Pôles”). “La Peau Noire” opens with dub bass and morphs into a psychedelic punk dervish over its eight minutes. When Careil pitches her vocal up and the keyboards are jostling for position, the results are something like The Residents soundtracking a funeral. Le Couronnement des Silex, though, goes beyond its arguable touchstones and marks Rien Virgule out as a fine, strinking and unpigeonholeable entity which could and should find an audience beyond the French DIY network. The deathly pall the band cast here has a tragic postcript however. Reilla, who built his own synths and also played in avant garde orchestra Un, died a few weeks after the release of this album. If it's to be Rien Virgule's last, they go out in black clad style.
ZZ56 |
Surprise Barbue |
Super Barbue |
Cassette |
2019 |
Surprise Barbue est un duo dont la musique fait honneur aux synthétiseurs et à leur infini potentiel. Nappes cosmiques, arpeggiatteurs hypnotiques ou tranchants, mélodies denses, textures brutes, le caractère de chacun des ces claviers et machines s'exprime de façon propre pour nourrir ce flot synthétique. L'ensemble prend des formes plus ou moins libres et élastiques (car tout est joué en direct), mais conserve l'apparence de morceaux et pièces sonores distinctes. De là découle un aspect narratif et cinématographique, chaque set ayant une couleur et des ambiances bien définies.
youtube.com/watch?v=YdoTysRcC6Y |
ZZ55 |
Ocean Floor |
Dream of the sleeping stones |
Cassette |
2018 |
This album emerged from journeys between Bristol and Saint Aignan. Recording sessions at the rural French home of Zamzamrec combined with solitary synthesizer explorations in Bristol to produce electronic soundscapes evocative of dream-logic and alien terrains.
youtube.com/watch?v=9_l3BGqdOvk |
ZZ54 |
Solar Skeletons |
The Greedy Raven |
Cassette |
2018 |
Dear Earthlings,
ZZ53 |
Zohastre |
Pan and the master pipers |
Vinyl |
2018 |
And indeed, pipes are very much in the mixer on the debut LP by Zohastre, a duo of French-Italian psychedelicists. Perhaps mercifully, they’re not pan pipes – rather, it’s the immersive, quavering wail of bagpipes which enlivens ‘Strange Starry Night’ and the title track of this five-song scorcher. A smart fit for Zohastre’s general belief in the power of the drone, which they’ve already proved several times over: Héloïse Thibault runs the marvellous tape label ZamZam and records solo as H., Olmo Guadagnoli as Uiutna; both also play in H.U.M. with Mark Wagner. Pan And The Master Pipers is their crowning musical achievement to date, live drums and analogue electronics interlocking, spiralling and, essentially, rocking without ever sounding rockist. ‘Birds Oracle’ fizzes along in a fashion akin to Excepter or Black Dice at their zenith, with a throbbing synth riff that could have graced some early 90s German trance obscurity; Guadagnoli’s percussion takes a turn for the free and bizarre on the title track, before the sound of the reeds drifts in o’er the misty hills. And ‘Forest, Forest, Forest, Forest, Forest’ spins its heady krautrock rush out for ten minutes, the FX-fucked vocal chanting in the last few of those placing a ritualistic cherry atop a glorious postcard from the European prog/space/noise/psych underground.
☾ ⚡
ZZ52 |
c_c |
Brumas, Nieblas, Neblinas |
Cassette |
2018 |
"My name is Eduardo Ribuyo. My stage name is c_c. So you can put whatever you want after c and c. I make electronic music, often saturated, at least, when i play live... For one of my first concert, I wanted to find a small lamp, just to have some light on my machines in the dark. And at the store near my house, they didn't have any small lamps. They only had mini strobs. So I bought one and tested it that night, a long time ago, and I liked it! For me, since I'm always looking at my machines, and they are basically illuminated by the stroboscope, I feel like it creates an effect, where I sort of loose it a bit. I'm used to play in front of the stage, among the people. I need to hear exactly what the people are hearing. I feel weird being far and not at the same level. It's also kind of an “ethical” thing, if you will. When people talk about trance and meditation, The states I'm in when I play, it feels like that sort of thing. One thing's for sure, I became a little addicted to that sensation. The rhythm boxes, even the effects pedals, the mixer, to me, they are part of the instrument in their own right. The venue's sound system, amplifiers, or even the room, all that is the prolongation of my instruments. I have several rhythm boxes, and a few little synths that generate sounds. Then all of that goes into my mixer. From my mixer, I have two effects outputs, That allow me to send the sounds that are generated, into the effects pedals. Then, the effects go back to the mixer, through over inputs. So it creates a loop and generates a sound on its own. And it's the same phenomenon as with a mic in the air, A mic with a speaker : feedback, larsen. To me cassettes are quite natural. First, because I use them. Also, my mixer is a cassette four-track. So for me, cassettes are not a thing of the past, Since I use them today. And also, I like this sound, a bit amiss, warm, a little crushed..."
ZZ51 |
Zim Zum |
zim zum |
Cassette |
2018 |
ZZ50 |
Dead Lincoln |
Out / In |
Cassette |
2018 |
Bedroom recorded drone and electronic music
ZZ49 |
Refurinn Kitsune |
Spacelight Shines Through Us |
Cassette |
2017 |
Isthme improbable entre deux eaux : à bâbord, le minimalisme mélancolique d'une pop vocale fantasmée ; à tribord l'électro-bricolage d'une passionnée du son. À la fois intime et ludique, évanescent et terrien - par ses échos, ses accrocs - Refurinn Kitsune est un fragile jeu d'amour et de hasard, contenant un parfait dosage de folie.
ZZ48 |
Outlaw Compound |
New Primitive |
Cassette |
2017 |
Yannick Franck (Orphan Swords, Raum, Idiosyncratics label) has a severe multiple personality disorder, sometimes one of them materialises as a new recording.
ZZ47 |
BBLL / Regis Turner |
Split |
Cassette |
2017 |
ZZ46 |
Nibul / Zohastre |
Split |
Cassette |
2017 |
The Toulouse based duo Nibul (fr) proves that France is still producing the most challenging underground transcendentalism and minimalism up to date. With saxophone and percussion they create tribal, open jams in which they take holy tradition of minimalism from the city to the countryside, the lakes and the mountains. We suspect there must be something channeling in artisanal cheese and wine.
Magic and mesmerizing cocktail of melodies, noise, hypnotic and accelerated rhythms. Zoahstre's music is highly inspired and plunges us into a strange and dreamlike universe... They deliver fascinating concerts-rites like strange stellar quarks between cosmic ramblings, spatio-tribal rhythms, spinning bagpipes and beats, sliding glitchiques, drones and electronics from outer space to create an irresistible and whirling ascent. |
(( /\/ *
ZZ45 |
Compilation |
5 Years Yeah Yo |
Cassette |
2016 |
FACE /\ |
(( /.^.\ ))
ZZ44 |
Cheval Scintillantes |
Sciences et Voyages |
Cassette |
2016 |
Un son sorti de la petite tête de chat, étrange, beau, émotionnel, extrêmement fragile et puissant, totalement improvisé et richement atmosphérique. Une musique subtile qui donne des frissons, comme un rêve mêlant fantastique, noirceur et poésie.
ZZ43 |
Organchrist |
X |
Cassette |
2016 |
On the third day of the planetary alignment, the Body Vessels discovered the Organ Squid. It was waiting, hidden within the inter-galactic transport machine contracted by the Body Vessels for the transition to the primordial Percussion Ritual. Unbeknown, the Organ Squid as a virtual entity, inhabited the Surrogate Embodiment present at the ritual to perform the transcendental clap Patterns. The Body Vessels interpreted Pattern after Pattern until the feedback loop erased the necessity between the physical and the virtual. The alternate paradigms that were formulated revealed that there would never be a return from this new dimension for both the Squid and the Vessels...
ZZ42 |
Johnny Haway |
Vista Kula |
Cassette |
2016 |
CHEWING_GUM MENTAL ATTITUDE AND PINBALL MOUVEMENT '' Una specie di provq d'orchestra impazzita, come se degli aborigeni si fossero infilqati alla scala di Milano e vessero preso il controllo organizzando una danza della pioggia, lo-fi/leftfield electronica tribale post noise experimentale''.
ZZ41 |
Twin |
Hverir |
Cassette |
2016 |
This is a truly haunting experience; think Mazzy Star with a whisper of Shelleyan Orphan or Alison Shaw from Cranes, but softer, swollen in the ambiguous. Its language a diffusion of hues, suggestions for your mind to play with, backed by switchblades of horizon that pull at the frame, inverting the scenery in cycling hooks of guitar, droning key-lines, tumbling percussives.A strange inviting atmosphere that holds true for the EP’s opener (and Bumtapes single) “Messiah”. Eleven minutes that literally take your breath away on a sanctum of spiralling guitar and thermal weaves of vocal. A stream of consciousness that opens out in climbing secondaries and beating aortas, the pace suddenly cut back on a “Sugar Hiccup” of Cocteau Twin parallels and swooning multiples. This is powerful stuff into which “Viola Sororia” folds some darker hues. An experimental verve whose shimmering heart solicits a siren call from beyond, churning in tape forwards, Fursaxa-like vibes milking the fiery orche and vivid turquoise sinkholes of this EP’s Icelandic namesake. Delicate vocals that float like diaphanous threads round the instrumentation, shimmer in unison with the eastern tapers of guitar on “Traum” and “Moving Light”‘s slow transits dancing the divine in psychedelic washes and wind-caught chimes. The focus dragging you deeper into the folding expanse of “The Sheltering Sky”, leading seamlessly to the entirely vocal-less closer “Astoria” with its ascending glides of guitar sycamore scarred in a heavy riffage and funnelling dualities. Stoking up a host of heady dramatics before leaving you like a lucid dream, slipping definition in the morning light and escaping across your skin in a trail of goose bumps. A beautiful artefact indeed.
ZZ40 |
Zohastre |
Quark Star / étoile étrange |
Cassette |
2016 |
C'est l'histoire d'un graçon |
⚡ ☽